Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday-What a Fun DAY!

I am very, very proud of myself today! I cannot say that about yesterday. However, I am today. Saturday was a nice day at the gym with my daughter. I did 25 minutes on the treadmill, 20 minutes on the elliptical and 20 minutes on the rowing machine. I happened to do 40 sit-ups and that was about it. I did eat healthy, for breakfast-oatmeal, 1% milk, and 1 piece of whole grain toast. For lunch Jazzie and I had Subway. Yes, with Weight Watchers I can eat out! How amazing is that! For dinner it was chicken fajitas. So, then the quietness of my house, the children were at their dad's house for the weekend, my head started to play games with me. It was telling me that, "I am not doing enough, I can push myself harder, you are such a disappointment." I was making myself sick, of course I started to cry. If you want to know the truth, my mind is a terrible place to be, when I am all by myself! Geezzz! I did reach out and sent one of my team members a text message to express my feelings, and his response was very kind. Eventually, I was able to go to sleep. Today, was a great day. Besides the fact that Gold's Gym, well all I can say is two thumbs down. Last year I purchase and paid in full for a membership for an entire year. Well, I get there and they said that I owe them money for "maintenance/upgrade" I said, "I paid in full! He said yea, but they must have not charged you for it! Oh ok... Well what should I do. He wanted me to pay them for their mistake! What! Ummm Nahhh! So, I went to the park. Yep, my trainer wanted me to walk/jog outside once a week to train for this 5k. Well, that is what I did. At the park there happen to be a mile key stating how many laps equaled how many miles. So... I did eight laps which equaled three miles. I was so proud of myself when I left there. I did three miles in one hour. Which means, when the 5k happens to roll around, I know that I can at least walk/jog within one hour. But, the way I am training I will be able to finish sooner than an hour. But, what I learned today is that I can at least do it! Way cool if you ask me. I am also, struggling with the idea of getting on my scale at home. I have not done it, and I am not going to. But, my head says, "Oh, you need to see how much weight you have lost." But, I know in my heart that I want to know when I weigh in on Wednesday when everyone else finds out. I want to feel the success of my hard work. Today, I feel good and I am proud of my steps toward my weight loss goals. The first goal is to lose at least 5% of my weight. Not too overwhelming right??? I also went to the chiropractor/acupuncturists yesterday! Yes, that is right I have been given the gift of two visits a month, while I am doing this contest! WOW! What a gift! I loved it by the way! Thank you GOD for all my many blessing. 

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