Thursday, March 17, 2011

Down Sizing Baby!

That's right, I am down sizing! Physically, I have been loosing the pounds, and inches. I am so proud of how far I have come, in just 8 weeks. I am wearing clothes that I have had in my closet for a few years that have been a little too tight. I put on one of my shirts that used to be tight in all areas, mostly my arms, and it fit! It not only fit, but it looked good and it was not tight around my arms. When I started this journey my goal was to loose weight. What has gone on in my mind it a lot of "I need to loose 150 pounds!" and "This is going to take forever!" But, what has happen to me know is, I am thinking I am well on my way to loosing those pounds. As of today, and according to weight watchers and their scale, I am down 36.2 pounds. I of course get on my scale on Thursday mornings, after I have done my duty, and I am down 40 pounds. But, this is not what counts in the competition. However, what this does for me is help me to look at things differently, and know that no matter what happens at the end of this competition, I now how the tools I need to keep my weight loss goals in check. I have set new goals for myself. I am not just going to stop at this Biggest Loser 5k, I am going to do a 10k, and then who knows from there. I know that I am becoming an athlete, and I enjoy working out.
Many of you know that I am a recovering addict, and that I have been clean for over five years now. Well, with that being said, I am an addict, which means I am addicted to more, I am addicted to things that make me feel better. So, I am fortunate enough in this situation that I have now become addicted to working out. Who would of thought that something that created so much wreckage in my past would be a good quality to have today.  Working out makes me feel good. It makes me feel like I can do anything, and it helps me to believe in myself. When I am working out, it is me against myself. No one else is there to tell me I can or can't do something, just me. What happens through this battle at the gym is that I can apply all these positive thoughts that I have taken from those moments in the gym when I wanted to quit on myself, and apply them to my life outside of the gym. I have learned how to live life without the use of drugs, and now I am learning to live my life without the use of food. I am also learning to live my life for myself, and putting myself first. If I do not take care of my health and my body, no one else will. I have lost my brothers, my father, my grandmother, my godfather and today there are no more excuses for me to be lost in my weight. I need to be healthy so that I can see my children grow up, and do things with them that I have not been willing to do.
I need to be honest, I was not happy last night when I found out I lost 2.4 pounds. I know what I have been doing in the gym and outside of the gym. I have been running a few miles without stopping. I have been doing spin classes, and power training classes, and eating properly. I spoke with my trainer, Ty, and she said that who knows what is going on with my body. I might be gaining muscle, or my body is adjusting to the workouts. Once I run the week through my mind I realized that I am getting stronger, and my endurance is better than it was when I started this thing 8 weeks ago. I am running down Snow Canyon "The Stop Sign", and I still have the ability to run more. This is amazing. My goal when I started was to be able to run the entire 5k, and I am well on my way to doing this. McKel has been my partner through this journey, she has been by my side encouraging me to keep going. Thank you McKel. I also have to say that Charlie, well how can I say this, he watches what I eat more than I do at times. Which, is frustrating, but I know he is looking out for my best interest. He is also willing to go on these 8 miles runs with me, when he has time off. So, to sum it all up I am getting what I need out this journey. I am loosing weight, I am thinking better about myself, and I have a ton of new friends who are athletes. How amazing is that!!! LaRae, from the Planet, shared her story with us last night, and it was so inspiring, I know that one day I will be where she is, and I will have the opportunity to share my story with someone and inspire them.
Today is a new day! I am ready to face this challenge and work my hardest to get the results I need. Today I am 110 pounds away from my goal weight! That is so amazing! This is not going to take as long as I thought it was going to take. I just might be able to wear one of those amazing swimming suits one day, and some really cute shorts with a tank top! Look out world, because I am ready for you!

1 comment:

  1. That's my gym partner!!! Good to have u back! See u in class tonight!
